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    秋野公造(Kozo Akino)












    19864月—19923   长崎大学医学部本科

    19924   通过第86次日本医师国家考试

    19925月—19963   长崎大学医学部硕博连读,获医学博士学位



    19926   长崎大学医学部附属医院实习医生(第一内科)

    19964   长崎大学医学部第一内科助手

    20004   赴美国加利福尼亚州西达—赛奈医疗中心(Cedars-Sinai Medical Center)留学

    200112   长崎大学医齿药学综合研究科讲师

    20064   日本厚生劳动省健康局疾病对策课课长助理

    20084   日本厚生劳动省医药食品局血液对策课课长助理

    20098   日本厚生劳动省东京检疫所东京机场检疫分所长

    20107   当选日本参议院议员

    20121220209   历任日本环境大臣政务官兼内阁府大臣政务官、参议院灾害对策特别委员长、参议院法务委员长、参议院总务委员长、参议院公明党国会对策委员长。

    20122021   任长崎大学医学部客座教授、横滨药科大学客座教授、广岛大学客座教授、北海道医疗大学客座教授、福冈大学客座教授、长崎国际大学客座教授、福岛县立医科大学客座教授、和歌山县立医科大学客座教授、中国东北师范大学客座教授。



    1. 秋野公造



    2. 寺本明,山下俊一,秋野公造,太組一朗.



    3. 浅香正博,秋野公造



    4. 秋野公造



    5. 溝口偦,秋野公造

    世界を変えるCode-EX: 次世代コードで多言語・情報革命を実現.第三文明社,




    6. 大浦武彦,秋野公造



    7. 小林修三,秋野公造



    8. 大澤真木子,秋野公造



    9. 臼井明,守屋進,秋野公造. 



    10. 中元秀友,秋野公造. 

    やさしい腎代替療法. 西村書店,東京,2018:1-211.(ISBN9784890137916)


    11. 秋野公造,屋比久勝子.



    12. 中元秀友,秋野公造.

    腎代替療法の未来. 西村書店,東京,2020:1-263.(ISBN9784867060100)



    1. Akino K, Tanigawa K, Shibata H, Nakamura T, Nagataki S, Yamashita S.

    Time to consider additional diagnostic criteria for HTLV-I-associated myelopathy?. THE LANCET 1995;345(8964):1570.


    2. Akino K, Ohtsuru A, Yano H, Ozeki S, Namba H, Nakashima M, Ito M,Matsumoto T, and Yamashita S.

    Antisense inhibition of parathyroid hormone-related peptidegene expression reduces malignant pituitary tumor progression and metastases in the rat. CANCER RESEARCH 1996;56(1):7-86.


    3. Naito S, Shimizu K, Akino K, Ohtsuru A, Watanabe M, Yamashita S, Sekine I.

    Autocrine/paracrine involvement of parathyroid hormone-related peptide in vascular leiomyoma. Endocr J 2002;49(3):335-341.


    4. Akino K, Mineta T, Fukui M, Fujii T, Akita S.


    Bone morphogenetic protein-2 regulates proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells.Wound Repair Regen 2003;11(5):354-360.


    5. Akita S, Fukui M, Nakagawa H, Fujii T, Akino K.

    Cranial bone defect healing is accelerated by mesenchymal stem cells induced by co-administration of bone morphogenetic protein-2 and basic fibroblast growth factor.Wound Repair Regen 2004;12(2):252-259.


    6. Akita S, Daian T, Ishihara H, Fujii T,Akino K.

    Leukemia inhibitory factor-transfected embryonic fibroblasts and vascular endothelial growth factor successfully improve the skin substitute wound healing by increasing angiogenesis and matrix production.J Dermatol Sci2004;36(1):11-23.


    7. Akino K, Akita S, Mizuguchi T, Takumi I, Yu R, Wang XY, Rozga J, Demetriou AA, Melmed S, Ohtsuru A, Yamashita S.

    A novel molecular marker of pituitary tumor transforming gene involves in a rat liver regeneration.J Surg Res2005;129(1):142-146.


    8. Fukui M, Akita S,Akino K.

    Ectopic bone formation facilitated by human mesenchymal stem cells and osteogenic cytokines via nutrient vessel injection in a nude rat model.Wound Repair Regen 2005;13(3):332-430.


    9. Akita S,Akino K, Imaizumi T, Hirano A.

    A basic fibroblast growth factor improved the quality of skin grafting in burn patients. Burns 2005;31(7):855-858.


    10. Akita S,Akino K, Ren SG, Melmed S, Imaizumi T, Hirano A.

    Elevated circulating leukemia inhibitory factor in patients with extensive burns. J Burn Care Res 2006;27(2):221-225.


    11. Akita S,Akino K, Imaizumi T, Tanaka K, Anraku K, Yano H, Hirano A.

    A polyurethane dressing is beneficial for split-thickness skin-graft donor wound healing.Burns 2006;32(4):447-451.


    12. Akita S, Akino K, Imaizumi T, Tanaka K, Anraku K, Yano H, Hirano A.

    The quality of pediatric burn scars is improved by early administration of basic fibroblast growth factor.J Burn Care Res 2006;27(3):333-338.


    13. Akino K, Mineda T, Mori N, Hirano A, Imaizumi T, Akita S.

    Attenuation of cysteinyl leukotrienes induces human mesenchymal stem cell differentiation.Wound Repair Regen 2006;14(3):343-349.


    14. Akita S,Akino K, Tanaka K, Anraku K, Yano H, Hirano A.

    Therapeutic choice for craniofacial venous malformations.J Craniofac Surg 2006;17(4):729-735.


    15. Imaizumi T, Akita S, Akino K, Hirano A.

    Acceleration of sensory neural regeneration and wound healing with human mesenchymal stem cells in immunodeficient rats.Stem Cells 2007;25(11):2956-2963.


    16. Akita S, Akino K, Yakabe A, Imaizumi T, Tanaka K, Anraku K, Yano H, Hirano A.

    Combined surgical excision and radiation therapy for keloid treatment. J Craniofac Surg 2007;18(5):1164-1169.


    17. Akita S, Akino K, Tanaka K, Anraku K, Hirano A.

    A basic fibroblast growth factor improves lower extremity wound healing with a porcine-derived skin substitute.J Trauma 2008;64(3):809-815. doi:10.1097/TA.0b013e31802c8247.


    18. Akino K, Akita S, Yakabe A, Mineda T, Hayashi T, Hirano A.

    Human mesenchymal stem cells may be involved in keloid pathogenesis.Int J Dermatol 2008;47(11):1112-1117. doi:10.1111/j.1365-4632.2008.03380.x.


    19. Akita S, Akino K, Imaizumi T, Hirano A.

    Basic fibroblast growth factor accelerates and improves second-degree burn wound healing.Wound Repair Regen 2008;16(5):635-641. doi:10.1111/j.1524-475X.2008.00414.x.


    20. Akita S, Akino K, Hirano A, Ohtsuru A, Yamashita S.

    Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for cutaneous radiation syndrome.Health Phys 2010;98(6):858-862. doi:10.1097/HP.0b013e3181d3d52c.


    21. Akita S,Akino K, Yakabe A, Tanaka K, Anraku K, Yano H, Hirano A.

    Basic fibroblast growth factor is beneficial for postoperative color uniformity in split-thickness skin grafting.WoundRepairRegen2010;18(6):560-566.doi:10.1111/j.1524-475X.2010.00620.x.PMID: 20868384


    22. Akita S, Akino K, Hirano A, Ohtsuru A, Yamashita S.

    Noncultured autologous adipose-derived stem cells therapy for chronic radiation injury.Stem Cells Int 2010:532704. doi:10.4061/2010/532704.


    23. Akita S, Yoshimoto H, Akino K, Ohtsuru A, Hayashida K, Hirano A, Suzuki K,


    Yamashita S.

    Early experiences with stem cells in treating chronic wounds. Clin Plast Surg 2012;39(3):281-292. doi:10.1016/j.cps.2012.04.005.


    24. Akita S, Akino K, Hirano A.

    Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in Scarless Wound Healing.Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2013;2(2):44-49.



    1. 秋野公造.

    エイズ予防指針改正後のエイズ対策について.保健医療科学 2007;56(3):178-185.


    2. 秋野公造.

    胃がん撲滅に対する公明党の取り組み.THE GI Forefront 2012;8(2):33-36.


    3. 浅香正博,秋野公造.

    世界に誇れる胃癌対策-医療と政策の関わり.Frontiers in Gastroenterology 2013;18(3):193-202.


    4. 秋野公造.










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